सभी छात्र परीक्षा फॉर्म भरकर तुरंत जमा करें | सभी छात्र अपना GEC , SEC सब्जेक्ट सेलेक्ट करने के पश्चात् ही परीक्षा फॉर्म भरें फीस जमा करने की अंतिम दिनांक 11-12-2024
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About College
Mission & Vision
Academic Ambience
Principal Meassage

'Essence of Wisdom is Service to Humanity'

  • To promote Quality initiative, Quality sustenance and Quality enhancement as defining element of the institution by promoting teaching-learning and academic ambience with a view to ensure Employability, Research and Innovation.
  • To promote quality research and scientific temper, as well as ensuring efficient delivery through self-evaluation, assessment and accountability.

  • To promote an atmosphere of knowledge and learning.
  • To prepare future generation of head, heart and hand.
  • To ensure productive learning among the students enabling them to use their knowledge and information for a better future.
  • To inculcate among the students human qualities of compassion, co-operation and co-ordination with the community as a sense of institutional social responsibility and inculcating in them the moral virtues.
  • To prepare the students in accordance with the requirements of global society.

  • Enhance the level of performance in teaching, research and other academic pursuits through the introduction and implementation of innovative curriculum and delivery of selected academic programs.
  • Design and develop academic curriculum in accordance with the current requirements of the society and the nation.
  • To enhance the quality of learning & teaching process at the undergraduate and post graduate level by providing infrastructural facilities and ICT.
  • To promote collaboration with the business groups for career and research activity.
  • To promote value education and scientific temper and research.
  • To promote the organization of campus programs, organizing career fair and other career motivational programs.
  • To promote research activities and improve the standard of research through the organization of seminars, workshops, symposia and academic conference.
  • To strengthen the examination cell, academic cell, library and laboratories in different departments by making them equipped with modern techniques.
  • Access to quality education at all levels.
  • To prepare skilled and job ready man power.
  • To promote innovation, entrepreneurship & skill.
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Contact Information : Telephone : +91-07662-252670 FAX : +91-07662-252694 email:hegtrscrew@mp.gov.in Website : www.trscollege.com
College address : Civil Lines,Rajniwas Marg Rewa - 486001
Website Maintained By : TRS College, Rewa
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